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The Harrison County Solid Waste Authority is providing the following recycling information to inform the residents of Harrison and surrounding counties, the recycling choices available in this area. The SWA suggests you contact the businesses listed below for their current information. This listing below does not constitute an endorsement by the SWA and is only provided as a public service. For additional information contact the Harrison County SWA at 304.326.0086.

In May 1990, the citizens of Harrison County voted to establish a County-wide recycling program. A County Recycling Plan was developed and the Harrison County Recycling Ordinance was passed. We must understand our recycling program to make it work.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do all Harrison County Commercial establishments have to recycle?
Yes, the Harrison County Ordinance requires every commercial establishment to recycle.

What is a commercial establishment?
The Harrison County Ordinance defines a commercial establishment as any commercial, industrial, institutional, or governmental establishment.

Do people attending or conducting a large community event within Harrison County have to recycle?
Yes, the Harrison County Ordinance requires sponsors of public or private events to make arrangements for recycling. These community events include but are not limited to festivals, fairs, bazaars, socials, picnics, performances, and organized sporting events.

Do all Harrison County residents have to recycle?
Yes, the Harrison County Recycling Ordinance requires every Harrison County resident to recycle.

What items should residents recycle?
Every Harrison County resident should recycle at least:
  • aluminum, bi-metal and steel beverage and food cans;
  • plastic containers with necks that once contained a substance that you could pour out, and are made from PET (#1) or HDPE (#2);
  • newspapers including inserts.

  • Check with your solid waste trash hauler for their curbside /roadside recycling schedule.

    200 Peck Street
    Clarksburg, WV 26301
    Will pay for: Metal/aluminum cans-appliances-scrap metal-car bodies and batteries.

    94 Cimarron Road, Nutter Fort
    WV 26301
    Iron & cars, aluminum, batteries, used oil and used antifreeze and tires

    702 North Ohio Avenue, Glen Elk #2,Clarksburg, WV 26301
    Buyers of iron and steel, recycling, processing cans, aluminum, copper, brass, just about any metal. Not setup to accept cars.

    Rt. 19
    Will accept old batteries if they are not busted.

    Meadowfill Landfill (top of the hill)
    Bridgeport, West Virginia 26330

    Perry Hollow Road
    Route 6, Box 1208
    Clarksburg, West Virginia 26301
    Accepts junk vehicles, can arrange for pick up.

    1204 West Main Street
    Bridgeport, WV 26330
    Used motor oil-do not mix with other liquids-5 gallon limit-per day. Old car batteries, please call first - no limit.

    106 West Main Street
    Clarksburg, WV 26301
    Used motor oil-do not mix with other liquids-5 gallon limit-per day. Old car batteries, limit of five.

    Old Clarksburg Landfill
    North View Clarksburg, WV 26301
    May - September open 8 am - 3 pm & 8 am - noon on Saturdays.
    October - April open 8 am - 3 pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & closed Wednesday and Saturdays.
    Yard waste.

    Route 19, North of Clarksburg in Hepzibah, WV.
    Drop off for newspaper including inserts, cardboard, aluminum and bi-metal cans and plastics # 1 & #2. You can now recycle clear and brown glass bottles at this center.


    Off Rt. 33 in Weston at the old State Hospital
    Weston, WV 26452
    Drop off Magazines - catalogs - office paper- mail - newspaper (all paper products must be dry) corrugated cardboard - metal cans - plastic bottles #1 & #2 - aluminum cans. In addition Weston Transfer is now accepting clean used motor oil. If large quanity call for pickup.

    405 Ohio Avenue
    Clarksburg, WV 26301
    Will pay for: Metal/aluminum cans-appliances-scrap metal-car bodies.

    The SWA would like to take this opportunity to thank the residents for their continued effort with recycling.

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