The H.C.S.W.A. is managed by a five (5) member volunteer Board of Directors who are appointed as follows: one by the director of the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); two by the County Commission; one by the Board of Supervisors for the Conservation District in which the county is situated; and one by the Public Service Commission.
Current Members
Michael L. V. Grunau, Chairman
Orpha Swiger, Vice Chairman
Gary Kincade, Member
Bob Waybright, Member
Elaine Lucente, Member
As a public body, the business of the H.C.S.W.A. is carried out at regularly scheduled meetings that are open to the public.
Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of every other month at 1:00 pm. These meetings will take place at the Harrison County Solid Waste Authority, located at 373 Wonder Bar Road in Clarksburg.
The Solid Waste Authority follows general parliamentary procedures and public comment is permitted and welcomed.
Duties of the HSCWA
1. Developing a comprehensive litter and solid waste control plan.
2. Develop a recycling plan as a component of the comprehensive plan.
3. Develop a commercial solid waste facility siting plan.
4. Promote and encourage source reduction, reduce, recycle, and reuse activities.
5. Identify and prioritize open dumps within the County or region.
6. Issue certificates of site approval for commercial solid waste facilities.
7. Coordinate public and private sector solid waste activities.
8. Implement a mandatory disposal program.