Waste Management
Event Schedule
Board Members
Earth Day
America Recycles Day
Litter Control
General Info
Partners in Education
Kid's Place


The Harrison County Solid Waste Authority was created in 1989 as a public agency, in accordance with WV Code ยง22C-4-3 and 22C-4-4, to develop and implement litter and solid waste control plans for the protection of the public health and welfare in the geographic area of Harrison County. A five-member volunteer board of directors manages the county SWA - appointed in staggering four-year terms. Members receive no compensation for their service - only reimbursement for actual expenses incurred in the discharge of their duties. The Harrison County Solid Waste Authority is located at 373 Wonder Bar Road, P O Box 1396, Clarksburg, West Virginia 26302-1396. Our phone number is 304-326-0086.

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